Post by december butler on May 22, 2009 21:42:00 GMT -5
We are currently looking for staff. Since the site is growing. I'm going to need some more help trying to keep things active and going. Basically staff would need accept profiles, put people into member groups, help keep up with the claims boards and help with advertising. If you can only do some of this that's ok! Just let me know what you can and cannot do. Every little bit helps. If you are intersted in being a staff member please reply here using the little form and we'll take it from there.
[b]alias[/b] [b]rp experiance[/b] [b]experiance[/b] [b]staff interest[/b] [b]availablilty[/b] how often you can get on
Post by spencer frost on May 23, 2009 20:26:38 GMT -5
alias Scott rp experiance Since November 2007 experiance I have been on numerous sites in my short time rping. During this time, I have been a moderator on a successful Buffy the Vampire Slayer-based site, a co-admin on a high school site, and an admin on another Buffy site. Two out of the three have been very successful and I have never had a problem with the other admins and I have always done what my job has entailed me to do. staff interest Co-Admin or Mod availablilty I can be on every day, and when not, I can usually notify you before hand.
Post by tinkerbell on May 23, 2009 21:24:50 GMT -5
alias Kate rp experiance 2 years experiance I've been an admin for Harry Potter, Clique, Camp Rock, Gilmore Girls, Summerland, and Boarding school sites. I've been co-admin and moderator on many other sites, too. I'm not sure exactly how many in all, though. staff interest anything would fine availablilty I usually get on a few times a day since it's summer, but even when I'm busy I try to get on at least once a day
Post by cameri on May 24, 2009 0:10:49 GMT -5
alias harley rp experiance about two years experiance well, i have worked on a few sites of my own and have co-owned a few. i am really good with helping with about anything but graphics (which you obviously do not need anyway). staff interest anything is good availablilty i am normally always on everyday for hours (i have no life, lol).
Post by bella on May 24, 2009 3:42:49 GMT -5
alias Bella
rp experiance 11 years
experiance I have a few sites of my own and im a mod on another one. I like tho think im good
staff interest admin, co, what ever you need
availablilty Every Day, I can be on when everyone needs help.
Post by kailani cruz on May 25, 2009 14:30:25 GMT -5
alias Maty rp experience A little over a year I'd say experience I'm an admin on four sites right now and have often helped out on other sites, just because I like to lend a hand :] staff interest Anything you need right now, I'm glad to help out. availablilty I log on every day at least, ya know, just to check in on things.
Post by cameri on May 25, 2009 20:30:50 GMT -5
Hey, sorry for posting this here but for some odd reason, it wont let me sent PMs. I would love to help out with what you said in the PM to me December.
Post by sammy on May 26, 2009 9:31:22 GMT -5
alias Tory rp experiance Hm... 5 years in Auguest experiance I have a almost 5 year experiance using proboads, I have tooken most of that time to learn more about the way they code the boards, I can do sidebars, fix boards that are to small, add a advanced Affix and more, I've been starting on skins and ussualy make them random, most of the time they turn out great but the odd one is bad. staff interest someone who can work codes and skins availablilty I can be on for about 2 hours a day, but I'm pretty fast so I can get things done, but my average time is 4 hours a day
Post by cameri on May 27, 2009 13:58:52 GMT -5
Again, still cant send PMs.
Alright and sorry to say this but I am going out of town until Monday so someone else will have to bump the thread until I get back. See Ya Later!
Post by delilah westt on Jun 5, 2009 22:28:01 GMT -5
alias hannah. rp experiance three years on and off. experiance i've admin-ed on a lot of sites so far, but my own and co-admin. staff interest admin? availablilty i can be on every day unless there's something up. and recently i'm on vacation so i'm not going to be on as long.